
Friday, September 30, 2016

Link to richard cory reciting

Vocab list #2

Faith-a belief or an alliegence to something 
Threshold-a gate or door 
Tarry-to delay
Reseolve-to answer or fix 
Discern-to find or see
Martyr-to die  for a cause 
Catechism-a school of church for learning realigion 
Pious-devoulty religous
Frenzy-a period of time of uncontrollable behavior or desire

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Authority figure

I see authority figures as roadblocks as if how they tell you to do something must be perfect but i see some importance in authority as they provide structure because when you are enclosed you have the urge to be free and if there was no structure theres nothing to be free from.but authority often tends to abuse the authority the one who protects us is now the one we must protect ourselves from authority is like democracy good half the time bad the other half of the time.

Talez from the trap

If you are not with me then your not against me and if your not against me then your in my way!-TrapGod

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Talez of a contested heart:illumination

i got out as i said i would
But something unexpected happened
The pain i suffered there was nothing compared to the joy i will feel now
A broken man with a heart of stone is what i was
Now i see clearly that this is the best choice of my newfound life
I was blind back then
But now i see with open eyes the terrible i left behind
Where i was void of hope
Where the person i loved starved me of her love
I've found new sources of happiness
With a gentle steadiness
I watch how my new found love is
I told her if we can be together
We will be perfect us two
She said i've never prayed before
But i've been rewarded with you
The light has never been bright in my life
The passion i feel is ecstasy
I know she is the one for me
It was like to meet her is my destiny
I want her to marry me
I should ask her but i cant get myself together
The joy i feel is something i cant conceal
She is the one
The one who set me free
 She believed in me
I feel like this is a fantasy
This is real as i speak truthfully
My life in the light cant get any better
My last wish is that this lasts forever.

Tales of a contested heart:darkness

The fact that i mean nothing to you torments me
But yet i love it as i have hope you think of me
But still im torn as you are the architect of my life
Yet all you do is demolish me with terrible strife
All you've done is unforgivable but i will always forgive
But what you have done is something i cannot stand
You played me like a band
I did not give you my life in the palm of your hand
Just for you to stretch me out in your image like a rubber band
The day will come when i will learn to mistreat you as you mistreat me
I got options none that i like but for me to leave is too hard
I will leave the person who brought me life
Only to seek it once more as you showed me how to love
But im a dead man walking as i do not know whether to continue with this pain or suffer all at once
Im a seed but you were the only reason why i sprout
When i leave
I will be at the end of my road
With no one to help me out
I will finally leave
I will break these love chains and get out

Inciting incident

The inciting incident in the pedestrian is when he gets arrested and taken to phsyciatric care because the police thought that he might be crazy since hardly anyone reads magazines in the television dominated world.الله

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tale of a contested heart

I'm not a fool but your love is still yet to be seen
Im torn because i dont know if you still have a heart
All i need is one chance to make it work for you to see if you can be loved
One chance is all need
To have your love which for so long i desired
Which for so long i craved
My precious darling your love is a drug that i dont have,yet I fiend
Addicted to the very thing i dont have
The thought that i think is that i belong to you
To belong to you is all i need
One day i will mean the world to you
One day you will mean the world to me
The thoughts i think will soon come true
My cravings satisfied
My desires fulfilled
This is what i need to be a complete me
The day i'm no longer a fiend
That day is when you are more than a temporary moment of a dream.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The presendental debate

Though i steer away from politics as its always matters of opinions like two roads that lead to the same place i dont fully agree with either hilary or donald but i think business mentality in the white office is a good thing it would provide much change the nation needs be it good or bad.  
In the words of Mao Zedong"politics is war without violence war is politics with violence".

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My big giant question

How can i learn more about the nation of ISLAM الله بإسم الرب

Vocab list #4 الله

Intermittent-not continuous or steady
Ebb-the movement of the tide or to recede
Regress-return to a former or less devoloped state
Tendency-an inclination towards a characteristic
Antiseptic-denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease causing microorganisms. بإسم الرب

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19th the year of our lord 2016

In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, today i forgot my literature analysis book which is about islam brief history on the religion which so deeply fascinates me along with christianity.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Conscience of a hacker

الله اكبار.  Conscience of a hacker tells the tale of an outcast of society who was deemed too diffrent to be apart of normal life that the person was too into technology to even fit in

Vocab list fall tree

Coherent-logical and consistent
Belabor-arguing in excessive detail
Eschew-abstain from
Acquisitive-excessively interested in money
Emulate-match or surpass
Banal-lacking originality
Excoriation-harsh criticism
Carping-difficult to satisfy
Substantiate-provide evidence to support or prove
Temporize-avoid making decisions
Tenable-able to defend
Insatiable-impossible to please
Reconnaissance-milatary observation
Germane-relavant to the subject
Ramify-spread out
Intransigent-refuse to change
Taciturn-saying little or stay quiet

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tales from the trap#2

Take a white girl out the trailer make her iggy, take a black girls out the jects make her Nicki.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

Today i got a C- on my essay which i believe is pretty good because i didnt even finish but either way its a passing grade and thats all that matters حب

Thursday, September 8, 2016